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The magical light park at Ehrenberg Castle Ruin


Knight Rüdiger’s creepy castle

This year, the castle landscape of Reutte was transformed into a magical park of lights under the motto “Knight Rüdiger’s creepy castle”. From 15.11.2024 to 23.02.2025, visitors accompanied a friendly ghost who wandered through the mystical castle in search of his family. Bravely at his side was Knight Rüdiger, who helped unravel the mystery.

The atmospheric staging of light and shadow, paired with fascinating installations, created a unique, magical world full of wonder and adventure. Every corner of the historic castle landscape was brought to life with luminous elements, inviting visitors to explore.

Now the season has come to an end, but the memories of the illuminated experiences will remain. We would like to thank all visitors for their enthusiasm and look forward to welcoming you again next season. Until then, we invite you to browse through our gallery and enjoy the most beautiful impressions of the past season once again.

LUMAGICA Reutte – magic that lives on!


Magic Highlights

Handgemachte Lichtinstallationen bringen die Burgruine Ehrenberg im Lichterpark LUMAGICA Reutte zum Leuchten

Inkl. Reutte on ice

With the LUMAGICA ticket you also have access to Reutte on Ice.

Die Gastronomie von LUMAGICA Innsbruck lädt zum Verweilen und Aufwärmen ein. Genießt ein heißes Getränk und gutes Essen.


Enjoy the delicious regional food and drinks in our gastronomy.

Erlebt die 115 lange und 406m hohe Hängebrücke Highline179 zum Sonderpreis als AddOn.


Experience the 115 long and 406m high suspension bridge as an add-on.

(Not included in the ticket price)

Die Gastronomie von LUMAGICA Innsbruck lädt zum Verweilen und Aufwärmen ein. Genießt ein heißes Getränk und gutes Essen.

Ehrenberg Liner

Conquer the 110 height difference from the hermitage to the entrance of LUMAGICA in just 2.5 minutes

(Not included in the ticket price)

Die Gastronomie von LUMAGICA Innsbruck lädt zum Verweilen und Aufwärmen ein. Genießt ein heißes Getränk und gutes Essen.

Top Liner

The Top Liner takes you to the Schlosskopf fortress with a panoramic view over the Reutte valley basin.

(Not included in the ticket price)

A magical review

That was LUMAGICA Reutte 2023/2024

LUMAGICA Lichterparks

Experience LUMAGICA and let yourself be enchanted

With the LUMAGICA light parks, the magic of true light experiences meets the mystique of unusual places: It is moments full of fairytale surprises that LUMAGICA brings forth.

With the kind support of

Wir bedanken uns bei C-B-Z Zahlmann für ihre Unterstützung bei LUMAGICA Magdeburg
Wir bedanken uns bei MK Illumination für ihre Unterstützung bei LUMAGICA Magdeburg